Samizdat - hand written duplicates highly riskily circulated risking imprisonment
Eduard Kuznetsov accused of samizdat and spent seven years in prison
Mayakovsky square - regular reading attended by Intelligensia and students - Vladimir bukovsky arrested and drove to full dissident from losing uni place
syntaxis editor sent to labour camps for exposing human rights abuses
Attempted to smuggle abroad writings
130k - antisocial life - barred from work for state - sent labour camps and hospitals
magitzidat - illegal recordings shared - underground jazz and boogie woogie
yuliy Kim - Moscow kitchens
childrens illustrators whilst working underground
Kirov ballet dancer defected
1962Ukraine uprising
complain over 25% butter increase and meat 30%
Coincide with wage cuts in electrical works
Wounded 80 and killed 28 and put in unmarked graves
Media blackout and revealed years later
500,000Soviets participated in strikes
workers didn‘t focus on political reform but insidviduals issues food prices, private plot restrictions and power abuse
Intelligensia dissident from uneven destalinisation and focused and cultural affairs restrictions
to stop worker dissent food prices were kept low however high production costs yielded - harmed command economy
fundamnetally political
peer policing emerges
authoritarian state
psychiatric hospitals used against dissidents
1956 - 8 to 9 million prisoners rehabilitated and 2 million return from gulags