Krushchev downfall

Cards (3)

  • Cuban missile crisis
    • placed Soviet missiles in Cuba
    • america place naval block
    • Brink of nuclear war and h backed down
    • Krushchevs idea alone
    • America removed nukes from turkey but it was a secret
  • agricultural failures
    • virgin lands campaigns an overdrive of maize land - only 107 million tonnes vs boasted 170 million by krushchev
    • brought grain from West with reserves
    • humiliating as field of expertise
    • accused of gross mistakes
  • reorganisations
    • replaced more than 2/3 of members of council and presidium
    • limited elected to office to 3
    • divided parallel heriarchies responsible for agriculture and industry - reduce party secretary powers provincially - impacted central committee members who resented limits
    • his main power base destroyed