Cards (6)

    • Fungi thrive best in warm tropical and subtropical regions
    • Lichens flourish in temperate and colder regions
    • Fungi prefer moist, dark, shady places and vitiated atmosphere of towns
    • Lichens prefer to be exposed to air and light and dislike smokey atmosphere
    • Fungi requires living or dead organic matter to absorb nutrients and demand much moisture
    • Lichens can grow on barren substratum under drought and starvation conditions
    • Fungi can grow either a parasite or a saprophyte
    • Lichens grow generally as epiphytes or autophytes
    • Fungi thallus is generally colorless
    • Lichens thallus are generally colored due to various acids
    • Fungi thallus are usually filamentous mycelium, delicate in texture and immersed in substratum
    • Lichens thallus is generally tough, leathery in texture and in most lichens are soft as rubber sponge