
Cards (10)

  • Globalisation
    • Globalisation is the increasing connectedness of countries around the world through movement of goods, services, capital and ideas across borders
    • People and countries have become more connected in four main ways
    • Transnational Corporations (TNCs) – Companies who operate in many countries producing and selling goods and services
    • Glocalisation – Changing the design of products to meet local tastes or laws
    • Trading blocs – A group of countries and/or organisations that work together for trading purposes
  • Global Connections
    • The process of how global connections are made have changed over time
    • Past global connections were made through trade, Colonialism and co-operation between countries through international organisations
    • Modern globalisation
    • Lengthening of connections between people and places, with products obtained from further away than ever before
    • Deepening of connections with the feeling of being deeply connected to other people and places in every aspect of life
    • Faster speed of connections, with the ability to communicate with others in real time using new technologies or travelling quickly between continents
  • Global Flows & Interdependence
    • The world consists of networks connecting countries together
    • Flows of movement
    • Capital – money flows through the world’s stock markets
    • Commodities – valuable raw materials (e.g., fossil fuels, food and minerals) are traded
    • Information – the internet allows real-time communication between countries globally
    • Migrants – the permanent movement of people still face challenges due to border controls and immigration laws
    • Tourists – Budget airlines have made it possible for people to travel further more easily
  • Transport & Trade Developments
    • During the 19th and 20th century developments in trade and transport were interdependent
    • Improvements in transport has led to an increase in the amount and value of trade
    • As countries make a profit through trade, they will invest in developing transport technologies in the hope of increasing their profits
    • Many developments in transport in the 19th and 20th century
    • Steam power – steam ships and trains moved goods and armies along trade routes quickly in the 1800s
    • Railways – railway networks expanded globally in the 1800s and remains important for governments globally e.g., the High Speed 2 Railway linking London to northern England which will reduce some journey times by a half
    • Jet aircraft – intercontinental jet aircraft made international travel easier with the arrival of the intercontinental Boeing 747 in the 1960s
    • Container shipping – vital to the global economy since the 1950s
  • A Shrinking World
    • The Shrinking World effect is when places around the world take less time to reach, due to developments in technology, and therefore start to feel closer
    • This change in perceptions can also be referred to as time-space compression
  • Development in ICT & Global Communication
    • Telephone and the telegraph – vital for communicating long distances in real time
    • Broadband and fibre optics – large amounts of data travel across the ocean floor by fibre optic cables in real time reducing the cost of communication
    • GIS/GPS – satellites broadcast position and time data continuously all over the world so deliveries can be tracked
    • The internet– connects people and places in real time which speeds up business
    • Mobile phones – countries with limited communication infrastructure moved straight to the mobile phone to connect
  • 4 ways of globalisation
    A) cultural
    B) social
    C) economics
    D) political