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  • The Vestibular nerve receives positional information.
  • Cranial Nerve 8, also known as the Vestibulocochlear Nerve, controls hearing and balance.
  • Cranial Nerve 11, also known as the Spinal/Accessory Nerve, controls muscles used in head and shoulder movement.
  • The Stylohyoid muscle controls taste sensations from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue.
  • Cranial Nerve 9, also known as the Glossopharyngeal Nerve, controls some muscles used in swallowing including movement and sensation of throat, nasal passages and tongue.
  • The stapedius muscle is located in the middle ear.
  • The Stylohyoid muscle is used in swallowing.
  • Cranial Nerve 10, also known as the Vagus Nerve, controls muscles of the pharynx and larynx.
  • Cranial Nerve 12 can cause speech problems, ipsilateral (single sided) movement of the tongue and thick speech.
  • Cranial Nerve 12, also known as the Hypoglossal Nerve, controls muscles of the tongue.
  • The Cochlear nerve transmits information on sound to the brain.
  • The 12 Cranial Nerves include: Olfactory Nerve (1st), Optic Nerve (2nd), Oculomotor Nerve (3rd), Trochlear Nerve (4th), Trigeminal Nerve (5th), Abducent Nerve (6th), Facial Nerve (7th), Auditory Nerve (8th), Glossopharyngeal Nerve (9th), Vagus Nerve (10th), Accessory Nerve (11th), Hypoglossal Nerve (12th).
  • Cranial Nerve 1 is the Sensory nerve, known as the Olfactory Nerve, which controls the sense of smell.
  • Cranial Nerve 2 is the Sensory nerve, known as the Optic Nerve, which controls vision by sending information from the retina.
  • Cranial Nerve 3 is the Motor nerve, known as the Oculomotor Nerve, which controls most eye muscles and works closely with Cranial Nerves 4 & 6.
  • Cranial Nerve 4 is the Motor nerve, known as the Trochlear Nerve, which controls the downward and outward movement of the eye and works closely with Cranial Nerves 3 & 6.
  • Cranial Nerve 5 is the Motor and sensory nerve, known as the Trigeminal Nerve, which carries sensory information from most of the head, neck, sinuses, and face and also carries sensory information for the ear and tympanic membrane.
  • Cranial Nerve 6 is the Motor nerve, known as the Abducens Nerve, which controls the outward movement of the eye.
  • Cranial Nerve 7 is the Sensory and motor nerve, known as the Facial Nerve, which supplies the muscles of facial expression, taste buds, sensation in fingers and toes, and blinking.
  • Cranial Nerve 8 is the Auditory Nerve, which is responsible for hearing and balance.
  • Cranial Nerve 9 is the Glossopharyngeal Nerve, which is responsible for sensation, taste, and swallowing.
  • Cranial Nerve 10 is the Vagus Nerve, which is responsible for organs in the chest and abdomen.
  • Cranial Nerve 11 is the Accessory Nerve, which supplies two neck muscles, the sternomastoid and trapezius.
  • Cranial Nerve 12 is the Hypoglossal Nerve, which supplies muscles of the tongue and neck.