Early actions of PG

Cards (10)

  • Arrested and imprisoned Tsarist officials
    • Police officers arrested themselves to prevent more violence against them by workers and soldiers
    • Secret police disbanded
  • First Decree of PG (worked w/ Soviet)
    • granted amnesty for political and religious prisoners
    • established freedom of the press and freedom of speech
    • discrimination on the grounds of social, religious or national grounds was made illegal
  • Increased civil liberties was dangerous as it meant that people could criticise the PG and destabilise its power, esp when fighting a war
  • PG promised that it would arrange for elections for a Constituent Assembly that would determine the future govt of Russia
    • Secret ballot and universal suffrage
  • Soldiers from Petrograd garrison would not be sent to the Eastern front
  • Workers had the right to strike and organise trade unions
    • 8 hour working day and recognition of factory committees
    • hard to sustain workers rights in a war effort
  • Replaced Tsarist governors with commissars
    • usually the old Zemstvo chairmen, some of whom were land owners
    • ultimately not respected and largely ignored
  • Committees of Public Organisations set up in many areas
    • membership rapidly expanded to take in representatives of soldiers, workers and trade unions
    • however, they were being outstripped b the growth of town soviets set up to represent workers
  • Lvov encouraged localities to run their own affairs, e.g peasants setting up their own committees
    • moving fast in reforms and built up the expectations of the people
  • Early reforms were not attainable long term, too many people to appease