JP2’s Meuliers dignitatum argument 1 “on the dignity of women” is written to argue that the church is not sexist.
Motherhood is considered a woman's telos.
Motherhood is needed for psychological development, specifically in terms of compassion and self-giving.
Men and women are different but equal, suited for different roles due to god’s design.
Genesis: after the fall, women have pain in childbirth and adam has to work the land for food, emphasising the different gender roles that JP2 is arguing are innate.
Feminists like simone de bouvoir (existentialist) argue that telos doesn’t exist, we create our own purpose.
Men like JP II have just unconsciously made this idea about telos up because they want to justify and perpetuate patriarchy.
Gender roles are quite universal, found in all different cultures.
Men tend to work in the world in a more active role, women tend to have more of home-maker responsibilities.
The fact that these gender roles are universal suggests that JP2 is right ot think they are innate and therefore justified.
Beauvoir was influenced by marx, who noted that all systems of domination and power create “ideology” - belief systems which justified itself as natural and good.
Men are typically not conscious of this, they sumply have a preference for the idea that their role is being active in the world and that women’s role is to support them, because that benefits them.
All human beings like ideas which suit their interests and they typically believe them as true without being aware of holding them merely due to self interest.
As hume said, reason is a slave of the passions.
Oakley also pointed out that there are vast differences in gender roles in different cultures which suggests there must be.
JP2’s Mueliers dignatatum argument 2: the church cant be sexist because there are as many people that it likes, respects, and even canonises- Like the virgin mary and Joan of arc.
Mary Daly: Jesus’ mother mary was a rape victim- god forced her to be pregnant.
Daly is saying that putting mary on a pedestal is pushing the idea that what makes a woman good is their submissive acceptance of being the sexual property of men.
This corroborates de beauvoir’s claim that women are forced to sacrifice their life goals to bring up their childeren which seems unfair- why is it not equally the responsibility of the man?
Radical feminists are criticized for being too negative towards motherhood.
Oakley and Beauvoir seem wrong to think gender is completely 100% socially constructed.
O’brien thought de beauvoir devalued motherhood.
Oakley also discovered many women found it frustrating to be stay-at-home mother.
Mary O’brien - naturalistic feminist who argued that motherhood can be a positive thing if women are in control of their choice to become a mother.
Daly argues that JP2 only likes Mary because she submitted and accepted being the sexual property of a male God.
Radical feminists claim they want women to have a choice- but are unhappy when women choose motherhood.
Simone de bouvoir (secular feminist) argues that gender differences between men and women are completely socially constructed.
S.Pinker (counters oakley): testosterone could make men more competitive and aggressive than women.
Oakley found that those women tended to have been neglected themselves- suggests they werent taught how to be a mother.
Beauvoir points out that girls are raised “Obsessed” with marriage- whereas boys are raised to be obsessed with their career.
Some radical feminists seem to think that any woman who chooses to be a mother is suffering from “internalised misogyny” (brainwashed by patriarchal society).
She believes there are no innate mental differences between men and women.
Everyone should be free to do whatever they want with their lives- we should not subject boys and girls to gender expectations.
Girls are given toy prams (training future role as property of men) boys are given “action men” ( trained to be active in the world).
Alternative explanation of oakey’s data: It could be that childhood neglect creates traumas which interfere with maternal instinct.
Debeauvoir was happy for women to choose motherhood and being a house wife- so long as it was a genuine choice, not influenced by gender expectations.
Ann Oakley (sociologist who interviewed women about motherhood) concluded that the so called “maternal instict” comes from culture rather than biology.
Daly accepts that mary wasn’t raped in the physical sense- but nonetheless thinks it still pushes the idea that woman are saintly if they accept being sexual property of men.
Daly is saying the church likes Mary in the same way slave owners like their obedient slaves.
Mary Daly: Christianity is essentially/irredeemably sexist due to the maleness of God and Holy Trinity.