"I want to know Christ - yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings." Philippians 3:10. You can get to know Jesus by sharing in his suffering.
A charity that sends financial support to projects that help Christians where they suffer discrimination, oppression and persecution as a consequence of their faith.
An organisation that supports persecuted Christians. They offer counselling, raise awareness, give practical support to refugees, fight for justice and religious freedom, and deliver Bibles to Christians that have to practice in secret.
The brothers were shocked when they visited Yad Vashem (the Jewish Holocaust Memorial Centre in Jerusalem) and turned their own home in England into the National Holocaust Centre and Museum as a permanent memorial to the Jews that suffered in the Holocaust.
He saw how difficult life was for Christians in Warsaw, Poland (under communist rule) so smuggled Bibles and other Christian literature into Eastern Europe despite risk of arrest and imprisonment. When communist rule in Eastern Europe ended and Christians were free to practice without persecution, he started to help other persecuted Christians around the world.