
Cards (20)

  • Celebration
    A joyous ceremony or gathering.
  • Christmas
    A Christian holiday celebrating the birth of Christ. 25/12 for most Christians. 06/01 for Orthodox Christians.
  • Saturnalia
    A pagan festival on 25/12. Christmas may have been chosen for the same date to encourage the replacement of paganism with Christianity.
  • Nazareth
    Town where Jesus was raised.
  • Bethlehem
    Mary and Joseph were sent to Bethlehem to register on the census as ordered by the Emperor (Joseph's ancestral town). Mary gave birth to Jesus in a stable as there was no room at the inn for them.
  • Shepherds
    Sheep farmers who visited Jesus as angels told them of the Messiah's birth.
  • Midnight Mass
    The first mass of Christmas celebrated after dark on Christmas Eve.
  • Christingle Service
    Children are given Christingles. The service has carols, readings, prayers and a collection for a children's charity.
  • Christmas presents
    Symbolises the gifts Jesus received from the three wise men.
  • Easter
    The day on which Christians celebrate Jesus' resurrection from the dead.
  • Ash Wednesday
    First day of Lent.
  • Palm Sunday
    The Sunday before Good Friday when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey.
  • Maundy Thursday
    The Thursday of Holy Week; commemorates Jesus' Last Supper.
  • Good Friday
    The Friday before Easter; the day Jesus died on the cross for our redemption.
  • Easter Sunday
    The day Jesus was resurrected.
  • The Easter Vigil
    The great celebration that takes place after sundown on Holy Saturday before Easter Sunday. In this Mass, the wonders of our salvation are celebrated. Those wishing to become Christians through Baptism as well as those already baptized who desire full communion with the Catholic Church are welcomed into God's family.
  • Service of Light
    A new fire is blessed and lit. This then lights the Paschal candle which is carried in through the Church. The priest says "The Light of Christ" three times with the congregation replying "Thanks be to God". Everyone has a candle which is lit by the Paschal candle and the Easter hymn is sung/ recited.
  • Liturgy of the Word
    The portion of the Mass that includes the reading of Scripture and the homily.
  • Liturgy of the Initiation
    Some people are Baptised or Confirmed during this time.
  • Liturgy of the Eucharist
    The portion of the Mass that includes the preparation of the bread and wine, the consecration of the Body and Blood of Christ, and the distribution of Holy Communion to the faithful.