
Cards (16)

  • Pilgrimage
    A journey to a place considered sacred for religious purposes.
  • Pilgrim
    A person who makes a journey for religious reasons.
  • Places of pilgrimage
    Places with special meaning making people feel a sense of spirituality and that they are closer to God. They are usually linked to Jesus, a saint or an event of religious significance or miraculous healing.
  • Miracle
    Something which seems to break a law of science and makes you think only God could have done it.
  • Jerusalem
    A city in the Holy Land, regarded as sacred by Christians, Muslims, and Jews. The place of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.
  • The Holy Land
    Jerusalem and parts of the surrounding area where Jesus lived and taught.
  • Canterbury
    A town 55 miles southeast of London; major destination of English pilgrims.
  • Iona
    An island of the west coast of Scotland founded by Columba in the 4th century. It is used by Christians today as a centre for pilgrimage and religious retreat.
  • Medjugorje
    In Bosnia and Herzegovina. Became a site of pilgrimage in 1981 when some children claimed to see the Virgin Mary on Apparition Hill and received messages from her.
  • Lourdes
    Village in France where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernadette Soubirous in 1858 and referred to herself as the "Immaculate Conception."
  • St. Bernadette of Lourdes
    The Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to her in 1858 on the River Gave and later identified herself, saying, "I am the Immaculate Conception." On her last of eighteen visions, she was told to dig away the growth blocking the spring and drink the water which turned clear. Her friend then put her dislocated arm in the water and it was healed. and later identified herself, saying, "I am the Immaculate Conception."
  • Pilgrimage to Lourdes
    Pilgrims take part in processions with candles and services (Rosary and Mass), touch the walls of the grotto, light candles, drink/ bathe in the water and take Lourdes water home with them.
  • Healings at Lourdes
    69 miraculous healings since the first cure in 1858. All claims of healing are thoroughly investigated by a panel of medical experts. Most who visit are spiritually healed so although they are still terminally ill, they come to terms with their illness and imminent death.
  • St Columba of Iona
    Columba was an Irish monk who left Ireland after a family feud and was given Iona by the Gaelic rulers to build a monastery. The monks went out and lived among the pagans there, preaching the gospel.
  • Pilgrimage to Iona
    Guests and staff share all tasks; take part in activities; workshops; worship; and discussions on justice, peace and conservation of the environment. They go to reflect and live in a specific type of community (rather than experience miracles).
  • Ecumenical
    A council that includes all Christian denominations.