
Cards (15)

  • Worship
    Adoration and honour given to God..
  • Liturgical worship
    Found in services in the Catholic, Orthodox and Church of England churches. There is a set structure to the service, use of set prayers and readings. Follows the text of a prayer book and is not improvised. It usually takes place in a Church.
  • Non-liturgical worship
    Found in non-conformist churches. A service that does not follow a set text or ritual. It usually follows a structure but the service leader has free choice in that structure. They may choose a theme relevant to the world or community. Extemporary prayer is usually used.
  • Extemporary Prayer
    Prayer is in the person's own words and personal style.
  • Informal worship
    Worship which has no set structure.
  • Charismatic worship
    A type of informal worship. It is spirit inspired worship, worship is often spoken in tongues and singing is lively.
  • Speak in tongues
    Outbursts of praise that is not intelligible, expresses devotion to God.
  • The Bible
    The holy book of Christians. The focus of worship.
  • Quakers (Society of Friends)
    English dissenters who broke from Church of England, preach a doctrine of pacifism, inner divinity, and social equity.
  • Quaker worship
    Called 'meetings'. No leader or set structure. Sit in a circle around a table in silence. The table contains the Bible and a book of Quaker writings. Sometimes people speak when they feel called to share their thoughts with others.
  • Private worship
    When a believer praises or honours God on his or her own.
  • The Rosary
    Set prayers said with Rosary beads, a prayer is said whilst touching each bead.
  • Rosary Beads
    Beads and a crucifix used as an aid in the recitation of prayers.
  • Meditation
    Thoughtfulness focused on a religious truth.
  • The Angelus
    A structured series of short meditations on the incarnation said three times a day by some Catholics.