a commercial business provides goods and services to consumers and aims to make a profit
a non-commercial business puts people and the community first, ahead of profit. They tend to provide a service for people and are run like a business
stakeholders are individuals and organisations that are affected by the actions, objectives and policies of a business
an entrepreneur is a person who spots a gap in the market and comes up with an idea to turn into a business
investors are the people or organisations that provide the entrepreneur with the capital (money) needed to establish and operate the business
an employer recruits staff to enable the organisation to carry out its business. They are responsible for providing safe working conditions for employees and paying the agreed wage/salary for work done
employees are recruited by the employer to work in the business in return for a wage/salary
a producer takes raw materials and transforms them during the manufacturing process into finished products
consumers are people who buy goods and services for their person use
a manager is responsible for the day to day running of the business and ensures that the firm achieves its goal
suppliers are firms that provide raw materials to the business
a service provider provides services needed by the business to operate successfully - tend to operate in the services/tertiary sector of the economy
the government is the body of people that govern the country - it imposes taxes on business used to invest in infrastructure
the local community consists of individuals, households and organisations that are located close to the business
co-operative relationship - work together towards a common goal - helps to ensure better results than if the shareholders worked independently or against each other - creates win-win scenario
competitive relationship - work towards different goals - each stakeholder wants to achieve a particular objective at the expense of the other - win-lose
dependent relationship - stakeholders need each other for success - one stakeholder is not able to achieve their goals without the help of another stakeholder
dynamic relationship - constantly changing between the stakeholders - at times it can be co-operative or dependent or other times competitive
an interest group (pressure group) is a group of people who meet and campaign for a common goal
ibec (Irish business and employers confederation) aims to influence decision-makers such as the government, society and the European union on issues that affect its members eg. taxation and transport
isme (Irish small and medium enterprises association) represents the views of small and medium-sized business owners in Ireland - lobbies on issues that affect its members eg. the impact on business if the government raises the minimum wage
SIMI (society of the Irish motor industry) represents the views of the motor industry - dealerships, retailers and vehicle testers - campaigns to the government, media and the public on issues affecting the motor industry
trade unions eg. SIPTU (services, industrial professional and technical union), represents the views and interests of employees in particular industries - aim to protect and improve their members pay and working conditions
IFA (Irish farmers association) represent the interests of Irish farmers in Ireland and Europe - lobbies and campaigns to improve farm income and conditions for farming families