chapter 4 - enterprise

Cards (10)

  • entrepreneur - a person who spots a gap in the market and comes up with an idea that they can turn into a business in order to fill the gap
  • an entrepreneur takes financial and personal risks when setting up a business - hoping to profit from their business idea
  • why people become entrepreneurs - being your own boss, varied work days, unemployment and more money
  • social enterprise - has a social or environmental aim
  • characteristics of an entrepreneur - risk-taking, determination, self-motivation, self-confidence, creativity
  • skills of an entrepreneur - decision-making, being proactive, networking, risk management, human relations, realism
  • intrapreneur - an employee in the business acts like an entrepreneur within the business - comes up with new ideas, new ways of solving problems or a new production process which increases business profit
  • rewards - control, income and challenge
  • risk - income, decision-making and long working hours
  • management - involve getting people to work together for a common goal using the skills leading, motivating and communicating