human personality - theravada

Cards (17)

  • Theravada Buddhism
    The oldest of the two major branches of Buddhism. Practiced mainly in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, and Cambodia, its beliefs are relatively conservative, holding close to the original teachings of the Buddha.
  • The Buddha
    Enlightened one. A focus for worship, seen as a teacher (not a god).
  • Ordination
    The action of ordaining or conferring holy orders on someone. Emphasised in Theravada Buddhist monasteries but primarily reserved for men.
  • Skandhas
    The Five Aggregates.
  • The Five Aggregates
    The five aspects that make up a person: form, sensation, perception, mental formations, consciousness.
  • Form
    Our bodies.
  • Sensation
    Our feelings.
  • Perception
    Our ways of interpreting and understanding things.
  • Mental Formations
    Our thoughts.
  • Consciousness
    Our general awareness of things.
  • Arhat
    One who has become enlightened; the ideal type for Theravada Buddhism.
  • Parinibbana
    Final and complete Nibbana at the passing away of a Buddha.
  • Bodhisattva
    A person who has attained enlightenment but who has postponed nirvana in order to help others achieve enlightenment.
  • Six perfections of a bodhisattva
    Generosity, morality, patience, energy, meditation, wisdom.
  • Earthly Bodhisattvas
    Continue to be reborn into the world in order to help others.
  • Transcendent Bodhisattvas
    Purely spiritual beings beyond space and time. Appear as different forms in the world to help others and lead people to enlightenment. They are prayed to in times of need.
  • A Bodhisattva vow
    "However innumerable sentient beings are, I vow to save them."