Disadvantages of Static Electricity

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  • Static electricity occurs when there is an imbalance of charges between two objects.
  • Static electricity can build up as a result of collisions among the molecules in clouds.
  • This can cause a huge spark to form between the ground and the cloud.
  • This causes a lightning discharge, therefore, a flow of charge through the atmosphere.
  • As aircraft fly through the air, they can become charged with static electricity.
  • A build-up of static charge is a potential danger when refuelling aircraft.
  • Fuel running through the pipes can provide the friction needed to create a static charge.
  • To prevent this, aircraft are earthed with a conductor during refuelling.
  • Fuel tankers (bowsers) that transport fuel on roads must be earthed before any fuel is transferred, to prevent sparks causing a fire or explosion.
  • Television screen and computer monitors become charged with static electricity when they are powered.
  • These charges attract dust.