Diversity of organisms

Cards (20)

  • How does variation manifest even among identical twins?
    Through differences in genetic expression
  • Why is variation important for evolution?
    It is a condition for natural selection
  • How is a species defined from a creationist perspective?
    Each species was created and remains unchanged
  • What is a limitation of defining species based solely on morphology?
    Species change over time
  • What is the purpose of binomial nomenclature?
    To provide internationally recognized names
  • What does the term "binomial" refer to in binomial nomenclature?
    Two names: genus and species
  • How should the genus name be written in binomial nomenclature?
  • How should the species name be written in binomial nomenclature?
    Not capitalized
  • How should binomial names be formatted when typed?
    In italics
  • How should binomial names be formatted when handwritten?
  • What does it mean to abbreviate a species name?
    Use the first letter of the genus
  • How is a species defined in terms of reproduction?
    Group of individuals that can interbreed
  • Why is the term "fertile" important in defining a species?
    Offspring must be able to reproduce
  • What is a "zorse"?
    A hybrid of zebra and horse
  • Why are zebras and horses considered different species?
    Their hybrid offspring (zorse) is sterile
  • What is a population?
    A group of the same species in an area
  • What happens when two populations of the same species do not interbreed?
    They may still be the same species
  • What can cause two populations to stop interbreeding?
    Separation by environmental factors
  • What is a challenge in defining when species diverge?
    Determining when they can no longer interbreed
  • What is a limitation of the current species definition?
    It may not account for gradual changes