Cards (20)

  • Human rights
    The basic rights and freedoms to which all human beings should be entitled.
  • Social justice
    Ensuring that society treats people fairly whether they are poor or wealthy and protects people's human rights.
  • Responsibility
    A duty to care for, or having control over, something or someone.
  • Freedom of religion
    The right to believe or practise whatever religion one chooses.
  • Freedom of religious expression
    The right to worship, preach and practice one's faith in whatever way one chooses, provided it is within the law.
  • Prejudice
    Unfairly judging someone before the facts are known; holding biased opinions about an individual or group.
  • Discrimination
    Actions or behaviours that result from a prejudice.
  • Positive discrimination
    Treating people more favourably because they have been discriminated against in the past, or have disabilities.
  • Racism
    Showing prejudice against someone because of their ethnic group or nationality.
  • Homosexuality
    Sexual attraction to a member of the same sex.
  • Exploitation
    Misuse of power or money to get others to do things for little or unfair reward.
  • Living wage
    A wage that is high enough to maintain the basic cost of living.
  • People trafficking
    The illegal movement of people, typically for the purposes of forced labour or commercial sexual exploitation.
  • Emergency aid
    Also known as short term aid; help given to communities in a time of disaster or crisis, e.g. food during a famine, shelter after an earthquake.
  • Long-term aid
    Assistance given to a poor country over a long period of time that has a lasting effect.
  • Equality
    The state of being equal, especially in status, rights and opportunities.
  • Disability
    A physical or mental issues that causes a problem for people to perform an everyday task.
  • Poverty
    Being without money, food or opportunity.
  • Stewardship
    Christianity idea that humans have responsibility for resources such as wealth.
  • Tolerance
    Accpetance of peoples differences