FAMILY is the primary agent of socialization of an individual upon birth, throughout infancy, and up to childhood.
SCHOOL have a critical and active role in socialization, as their various academic and social activities mold students' beliefs, values, and attitudes.
PEER GROUP are people who share the same interest or characteristic such as age and social background.
MASSMEDIA are involved in the use of print and electronic communication.
RELIGION AND STATES are considered as the ultimate sources of authority and can even be sources of social change.
MAJOR SOCIAL AND HISTORICAL EVENTS the changes and development brought about by historical events often cause transformation and can also be significant socializing forces for an entire generation.
DEFINING BOUNDARIES is necessary to identify who are the members of a group.
CHOOSING LEADER groups by nature must resolve the issue of leadership.
MAKING DECESION among foraging societies making decision are made involving anyone else in the community.
SETTING AGENDA all groups must have a goal.
Assigning tasks goals, decision making, leadership are all important function of a group.
CONTROLLING MEMBERS BEHAVIOR group members behavior must be controlled for the group to continuously survive.
SOCIAL GROUP is a collection of individuals who have relations with one another to make them interdependent.
INTERDEPENDENCE is a necessary condition that exist within social groups because it is what enables its member to pursue shared goal or promote common values and principles.
PRIMARY GROUP is a small, intimate, and less specialized group.
SECONDARY GROUP are larger, less intimate, and more specialized groups.
SELF – CATEGORIZATION THEORY is a relevant approach in understanding the characteristics of social groups.
IN GROUP is a group to which one belongs and with which one feels a sense of identity.
OUT GROUP is a group to which one does not belong and to which he or she may feel a sense of competitiveness or hostility.
REFERENCE GROUP is a group to which an individual compares himself or herself to other influential social groups for an individual.
NETWORK refers to the structure of relationship between social actors or groups.