
Cards (5)

  • What is globalization?
    economic integration of different countries through increasing freedoms in the cross-border movement of people, goods/services, technology, and finance
  • Characteristica of globalization
    • Increased foreign ownership of companies
    • Free trade in services and goods
    • Easy flows of capital across borders
    • Increasing movement of labour and technology across borders
  • What factors contributed to globalization?
    End of the Cold War
    Usage of communication technology for firms to easily connect and promote themselves
    Effectiveness of WTO
    Growth of Transnational companies
  • Positive impact of Globalisation
    Rising incomes
    Rising education levels
    Reduction in absolute poverty
    Greater competition
    Increased capital and global mobility
  • Negative Impacts of Globalization
    Rising inequality
    Tax avoidance
    Environmental degradation
    Structural unemployment
    New colonialism