Davie- fundamentalists are a product of modernity as modernity threatens traditional values and fundamentalism offers certainty
Giddens argues that fundamentalism is a reaction to modernity which undermines traditional norms
Bruce said the main cause of fundamentalism is religious traditionalists thinking globalisation threatens their beliefs and lifestyle
Huntington argues that religious conflicts have intensified since the collapse of communism and are symptoms of a wider clash of civilisations
Bruce- one function of religion is cultural defence, religion unites a community against an external threat such as racism and symbolises the groups collective identity
Nanda examines the role of Hinduism in legitimating the rise of a new Hindu 'ultra-nationalism’ and the Indian MC
Nanda argues that Indias are becoming more religious due to the middle classes' ambivalence about their newfound wealth
Berger argues that Pentecostalism in Latin America acts as a ‘functional equivalent’ to Weber's protestant work ethic, encouraging the development of capitalism