Lecture 5: Microbes

Cards (21)

  • Reynolds number is the ratio of inertial to viscous forcs
  • Laminar flow has a low Re and is ordered flow with parallel streamlines
  • Turbulent flow has a high Re and is irregular flow with crossing layers
  • Low Re contains a thick boundary layer
    High Re contains a thin boundary layer
  • Pressure varies inversely with fluid velocity
  • Pressure drag derives from an upstream/downstream pressure differential (flow separation)
  • Skin friction drag derives from shear near surface (no-slip condition/viscosity)
  • The three domains of life are bacteria, archaea, and eukarya
  • 6 kingdoms of life are fungi, plants, animals, bacteria, archaea, protists
  • Marine bacteria are simple prokaryotic organisms, they reproduce asexually through binary fission, and move via flagellum
  • Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic bacteria that produce oxygen
  • Green and purple sulfur and non-sulfur bacteria are anaerobic and do not produce oxygen
  • Sulfur bacteria are referred to as obligate anaerobes
  • Nonsulfur bacteria are referred to as facultative anaerobes
  • Chemosynthetic bacteria use inorganic chemicals rather than light as a source of energy
  • Heterotrophic bacteria are decomposers that use organic matter to obtain energy and material for syntheis
  • Some chemosynthetic bacteria live within the tissues of marine tube worms and clams
  • Bioluminescence is produced by photocytes (single cells) and photophores (complex glands)
    May arise through either tissue biochemistry (luciferin-luciferase) or symbiotic bacteria
  • The luciferin-luciferase system is the oxidative breakdown of luciferin by a specific enzyme called luciferase
  • Archaeons are small, single-celled prokaryotes that include photosynthetic, chemosynthetic, and heterotrophic organisms
  • Archaea can tolerate extreme environments.
    Hyperthermophiles: can tolerate very warm temperatures
    Halophiles: can tolerate very salty environments