novelists and poets began adapting a free-form style of writing, focusing on a character's internal/mental state rather than their external social reality. they followed themes of industrialization and post-war trauma
authors like Kurt Tucholsky used sharp-wit and 1st person narrative to criticise the government and societal norms like militarism (political satire)
expressionist literature often revolted against authority, led by writers like Thomas Mann, who was given a noble prize for literature in 1929. he was a liberal supporter of the weimar republic
advancements in printing allowed mass production and distribution of literature allowed newspapers, books, and magazines to reach a much wider audience. radio broadcasts of literary works brought literature to an audience that could not afford it
literature often criticized war and militarism e.g. Franz kafka's"the trial" (1925) and Erich Maria Remarque's "all quiet on the western front"