Role of Trotsky

Cards (7)

  • Better known to the public than Lenin, chaired the Petrograd Soviet from 25th September, was a charismatic speaker and tactician
  • Persuaded Lenin to seize power whilst the All Russian Congress of Soviets was actually taking place, not before it met
  • He took over organisation of the Military Revolutionary Committee, set up by Petro Soviet to defend Petrograd against advancing Germans.
    • used it as a smokescreen to hide his preparations for takeover
  • Persuaded the Petrograd Garrison to support the takeover, w/o support of soldiers they would not have been successful
  • Trotsky persuaded the Soviet to take advantage of the unrest from Kerensky's order of 5th Oct mobilising Petrograd troops for the front line to form a Military Revolutionary Committee
    • sent speakers into factories to get support for uprising
    • sent MRC commissioners to get Petrograd garrison units to ensure soldier support
  • He organised the actual seizure of power on 25-26 Oct
  • Used the opportunity of the SR and Mensh walk out of the All Russian Congress to block the chance of a coalition saying they walked 'into the dustbin of history'