Procedures involving unlicensed personnel do not inherently involve ongoing assessment, interpretation, or decision making which cannot be logically separated from the procedure(s) itself.
Conflict is generally defined as the internal or external discord that results from differences in ideas, values, or feelings between two or more people.
Interpersonal conflict happens between two or more people with differing values, goals, and beliefs and may be closely linked with bullying, incivility, and mobbing.
Bullying is repeated, offensive, abusive, intimidating, or insulting behaviors; abuse of power; or unfair sanctions that make recipients feel humiliated, vulnerable, or threatened, thus creating stress and undermining their self-confidence.
Incivility is behavior that lacks authentic respect for others that requires time, presence, willingness to engage in genuine discourse and intention to seek common ground.
Collaborating in conflict resolution involves all parties setting aside their original goals and working together to establish a supraordinate or priority common goal.
Management that is perceived to be deaf to the workers’ needs provides a fertile ground for union organizers, because unions thrive in a climate that perceives the organizational philosophy to be insensitive to the worker.