Label 2 test tubes: The first test tube is marked as Tube A containing the unknown urine sample, while the second test tube is marked as Tube B containing the positive control sample
Place 8 drops of urine sample to tube A and 10 drops of 5% glucose solution to Tube B
Add 3.0 ml of Benedict’s qualitative reagent to both tubes
Mix and boil for 2 minutes over a small flame
Note the color of the urine sample and report the results
No change in color (i.e. blue) Absence (-) 0
Pale green with slightly cloudy Sugar present, Trace 0.2%
Green and deep yellow thick precipitate
Sugar present, 1+ 1%
Yellow to orange precipitate with supernatant fluid pale blue
Sugar present, 2+ Between 1 and 2%
Orange to red precipitate supernatant fluid pale blue
Sugar present, 3+ 2% and 3%
Brick red precipitate supernatant decolorized
Sugar present, 4+ More than 3%
Make at least three (3) trials using the urine samples Check the results by using reagent strip using Multistix/Diastix/Chemstrip