Cards (4)

  • POPs: human made compounds that do not breakdown easily and accumulate in water/soil
    • Persistent - long-lasting
    • Organic - carbon-based
    • Pollutants - synthetic
    Fat soluble: they accumulate and persist in animals' fat tissue instead of passing through the body
  • Examples of POPs:
    • DDT (outdated insecticide): still persists in soils/aquatic ecosystems
    • PCB (plastic/plant additive): toxic to fish , causing spawn failure
    • PBDEs (fire-proofing)
    • BPA (plastic additive)
    • Dioxins (fertilizer production and combustion of waste/biomass)
    • Phthalates (plastics)
    • Perchlorates (rocket/missile fuel, fireworks): can leach into groundwater
  • POPs travel long distances through wind/water, impacting ecosystems far away:
    • Wastewater release from industrial processes, leachate from landfills or improperly buried industrial waste, fertilizer/pesticide production, emissions from burning waste/biomass
    • Enter soil/water, eaten by animals, stored in their fat, eaten by humans/taken in through drinking water
  • Rachel Carson:
    • Wrote 'Silent Spring' (1962)
    • Discusses the impact of DDT on tertiary consumers (eagle eggs were too soft, baby eagles died)