key words

Cards (12)

  • sovereignty =  right of a government to rule and govern itself. 
  • why has sovereignty become more complex and seen more as a concept?
    This is because of the rise of international organisation like NATO and many actions of one state affect the others.
  • Jurisdiction: the official power to make legal decisions and judgements in a certain area.
  • Nation State = A political entity with sovereignty with a defined territory.
  • what 4 criteria do countries need to meet to be a state?
    • defined territory
    • effective and functioning govt
    • recognition by other states
    • permanent population
  • Nation = a self-identifying community that does not necessarily have sovereignty.
  • Non-state actors = participants in international relations with significant power and influence, but which are not nation states. These can also be non-governmental organisations like the UN.
  • globalisation = the greater integration and interconnectedness between countries around the world.
  • what are the 3 types of globalisation?
  • (cultural)Homogenisation = when the aspects of cultures are lost or dominating cultures (western) overwhelms smaller cultures. Cultural diversity is lost.
  • World government = the concept that there is a global government that will have legally binding laws over states. this doesn't exist however.
  • Global governance = The management of rules, norms and laws that regulate global systems. example: WTO or UN