Is a branch of the allied health professions that deals with the study of various disciples such as chemistry, microbiology, parasitology, blood banking, hematology, clinical microscopy, histology, and histopathology, among others.
Medical Technologists, also known as clinical laboratory technologists, perform and analyze the results of complex scientific tests on blood and bodily fluids. These highly trained professionals work in hospitals and independent laboratories sing sophisticated procedures and equipment
Father of MedicineAuthor of Hippocraticoath300 BC-180 AD-tasting urine, listening to the lungs and observing outward appearances in the diagnosis of disease.__//-appearance of bubbles, blood and pus in urine (Kidney disease and chronic illness)
Greek philosopher and physicianFather of Experimental Physiology-described Diabetes (diarrhea of urine)__//-Established the relationship bet. Fluid intake and urine volume
"Water casting" - historical medical practice of visually examining a patient's urine for pus, blood, or other symptoms of disease - patients submits specimen in a decorative flasks Physicians who failed to examine the wine -+ PUBLIC BEATINGS (Jerusalem Code of 1090)
- Respiratory Exerciser - A respirometer or incentive spirometer is a device used to help us to keep our lungs healthy. It helps us to take slow, deep breaths to expand and fill our lungs with air. This helps prevent lung problems, such as pneumonia. - The incentive spirometer is made up of a breathing tube, an air chamber, and an indicator (here 3 colored balls). Regular exercise help to open our airways, prevent fluid or mucus from building up in our lungs, and make it easier for us to breathe
- Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (1840) - Developed for medical purposes due to advances in lenses and lower costs- instrument that produces enlarged images of small objects, allowing the observer an exceedingly close view of minute structures at a scale convenient for examination and analysis
-Wilhelm Roentgen (1859) - Discovered by accident that radiation could penetrate solid objects of low density - Allow physicians to view without surgery - Used to dx pneumonia, pleurisy, tuberculosis since WWII
- A device used in open heart surgery to support the body during the surgical procedure while the heart is stopped. - The heart-lung machine is often referred to as the "pump", and does the work of the heart and lungs during the operation
- First operated by Forsmann (1929) - Developed by Moniz, Reboul, Rousthol (1930-1940) - discovered as safe method by Cournard (1941) - made seeing the heart, lung vessels, and valves possible through inserting the cannula in an arm vein and into the heart with an injection of radiopaque dye for x-ray visualization.