is the main part of the medical term that denotes the meaning of the word.
- colon
- vein
- blood
- air
is found at the beginning of the term and it shows how meaning is assigned to the word.
- without,absence
- meaning increased/above
- before
is found at the terminal portion or at the end of the term. It also denotes the meaning to the root word.
- enlargement
- to make an opening mouth
usually the letter O
It is a rule that if suffix starts with a consonant, a combining vowel needs to be used.
combining vowel
does not change the meaning of the root word and is added in order to make the pronunciation of the word easier. -is added between the root word and the suffix.
hemat + logy- hematology
- study of blood
Phleb + tomy
- the process of cutting into the vein using a needle
plural form of medical terms
is made by changing the end of the word and not by simply adding S, which follows the rule for irregular nouns.
plural of bacterium
plural of nucleus
plural of thrombus
Rule #1: Words Ending in -a.
When the singular form of the word ends with -a, keep the -a and add an -e.
A pyramid-shaped space forming the underside of the shoulder.Axillae
Medical Terminology Rule #2: Words Ending in -ax.
When the singular form of the word ends with -ax, drop the -x and add -ces.
The upper part of the trunk that contains the rib cage, lungs some of the abdominal organs.Thoraces
Medical Terminology Rule #3: Words Ending in -ex.
When the singular form of the word ends with -ex, drop the -ex and add -ices.
Vortex fluid.
A whirlpool effect caused by a spinning mass of fluids.Vortices
Medical Terminology Rule #4: Words ending in -is.
When the singular form of the word ends with -is, drop the -is and add -es
When a tumor cell moves fromthe primary location and establishes a remote location. Metastases
Medical Terminology Rule #5: Word Ending in -ix.
When the singular form of the word ends with -ix, drop the -x and add -ces.
- The part of the uterus that protrudes into the vagina.Cervices
Medical Terminology Rule #6: Words ending in -ma.
When the singular form of the word ends with -ma, keep the -ma and add -ta.
A malignant neoplasm of the soft tissue.Sarcomata
Benign neoplasm made of connective tissue.Fibromata
Medical Terminology Rule #7: Words ending with -on.
When a singular form of the word ends with -on, drop the -on and add -a.
A knotlike mass of nervous tissue. Ganglia
Medical Terminology Rule #8: Words ending with -us.
When a singular form of the word ends with -us, drop the -us and add -i