The UnitedNations is the most prominent International Organization (IO) in the contemporary world.
The futureregionalism will be contingent on the immense changes in global politics that will emerge in the 21st century.
The five active organs of the UnitedNations (UN) are the General Assembly (GA), SecurityCouncil (SC), EconomicandSocialCouncil (ECOSOC), InternationalCourtofJustice (ICJ), and SecretaryGeneral.
TheGeneralAssembly (GA) is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the United Nations (UN).
The GeneralAssembly (GA) elects its president annually to serve a one-year term of office.
Filipino Diplomat CarlosP.Romulo was elected as GA President from 1949-1950.
The SecurityCouncil (SC) is considered by many commentators as the most powerful organ of UN as it consists of 15 member states.
The GeneralAssembly (GA) elects 10 of these 15 to two-year terms.
The other five referred to as Permanent five (P5); China, France, Russia, UK and USA.
The Security Council (SC) takes lead in determining the existence of the threat to the peace and calls upon parties to a dispute to settle and recommends adjustment or term of settlement.
States that seek to intervene militarily in another state need to obtain the approval of Security Council (SC).
The approval of Security Council (SC) leads to military intervention may be deemed legal.
The EconomicandSocialCouncil (ECOSOC) is the principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on social and environmental issues as well as the implementation of internationally agreed development goals.
The EconomicandSocialCouncil (ECOSOC) has 54 members elected for three-year terms.
Countries will find it difficult to reject all forms of globaleconomicintegration, but it will also be hard for them to turn their backs on their regions.
Non-StateRegionalism refers to the tiny associations that include no more than a few actors and focus on a single issue, or huge continental unions that address a multitudes of common problems from territorial defense to food security.
Countries form regionalassociations for military defense, to pool their resources, to protect their independence, and compels countries to come together.
The UN is the closest to a world government, which is why it is important to remember that international institutions like the UN are always in a precarious position.
Despite these problems, it remains important for the SC to place a high bar on military intervention.
Regionalism is seen as a political and economic phenomenon and examines its relation to identities, ethnics, religion, ecological sustainability and health.
Internationalorganizations are highlighted because they are the most visible symbols of global governance.
GNP/population = percapita
Regionalization refers to the regional concentration of economic flows while Regionalism is a political process characterized by economic policy cooperation and coordination among countries.
Contemporary challenges to Regionalism include Nationalism, Populism, FinancialCrisis, and RegionalStability.
Small countries take advantage of their strategic resources by turning themselves into financial hubs.
Different visions of what regionalism should be for.
TheUNSecurityCouncil is tasked with authorizing international acts of military intervention.
Countries economically and politically respond to globalization in various ways.
Largecountries have a lot of resources to dictate how they participate in the process of global integration.
The International CourtofJustice (ICJ) settles in accordance with international law, legal disputes submitted to it by states and gives advisory opinions referred to it by authorized UN organs and specialized agencies.
The SecretaryGeneral is the bureaucracy of the UN, serving as a kind of international civil service.
Members of the secretariat serve in their capacity as UN employees and not as state representatives.
The UnitedNations functions primarily because of voluntarycooperation from states.
The biggest challenge of UN is related to issues of security.
Bentham and Kant imagined the possibility of global government
Globalgovernance - different processes that creates order in the world
Global governance is the various intersecting processes that create order
Globalgovernment cannot be possible as no organisation can military compel
International relations scholars Michael Barnett and Martha Finnemore listed the powers of International Organizations (IOs)