Role of Lenin

Cards (7)

  • From the start Lenin claimed that Bolshs would be the vanguard of the second revolution, raise class consciousness and act in the interests of the working class
    • held the party out as the leader of the revolution
  • Lenin stood firmly against the PG unlike members of his own party and other socialist parties like Kamenev and Stalin who co-operated with them
    • other parties and figures like Kerensky tainted by failures of PG
  • April Thesis marked him from other socialists.
    • Called for 'peace bread and land'
    • 'All power to Soviets'
    • capitalised off the popular mood
  • He demanded for further revolution immediately, action now, due to his theory of telescopic revolution (bypassing the need for a capitalist stage before communist)
  • Was the main motivator behind the actual timing of the revolution, calling for Bolsh seizure of power since September 12
    • On Oct 10 once he returned from Petrograd, he persuaded the Bolsh Central Committee that now was the right time for seizure of power
    • He had to convince the other Bolshs in an argument that ran 7 hours, eventually won 10 votes to 2
  • He recognised that the takeover had to occur at the same time as All Russian Congress of Soviets so he could clai
  • Lenin announced the seizure of power to All Russian Congress even before the Winter Palace was seized