Cards (8)

  • Since the multinational nature of the Empire was seen as a potential threat to state security, Stalin took action to prevent political disintegration. He dissolved the Volga German republic and sent its people east.
  • Around 1.5m ‘suspect’ ethnic minority were deposed but they were brutally treated. The purge of national minorities was effectively extended.
  • Stalin addressed the grievances of army officers and downgraded the rank of political commissars and increased education of the troops. Consequently, more members of the military joined the party
  • War strengthened the belief in the communist system and by May 1945, Stalin could claim the war had shown the superiority of socialism.
  • Army discipline tightened and it was an offence to be taken captive
  • Stalin saw soldiers as expendable and 8.6 million soldiers were killed between 1941 and 1945- an average daily rate twice that of the allies
  • Gulags used to maintain supplies as they produced 15% of Soviet ammunition. The death rate in labour camps was 25% in 1942, but slave labour was regarded as endlessly renewable.
  • Propaganda was deeply patriotic and anti-German letters were published in Pravda