A ‘scorched earth’ policy rendered much of the farmland useless. The grain harvest of 1942 was only a third of that of 1940. Survival was ensured by strict rationing and demanding quotas were set on collective farms. Peasants were allowed to keep private plots and to sell their produce.
1523 entire Soviet factories and their workers were transplanted to the east between July and November 1941 and new railways were built to connect industry to the front line
The planned economy made it easier than with Russia’s Western allies. People’s Commissars supervised production and compulsory state orders allowed for very rapid changes.
In December 1941, a new law mobilised all undrafted workers for war work. White collar workers were sent to munitions factories, pensioners were encouraged to return to work and students had to undertake part-time work.
Overtime became obligatory and holidays were suspended. Working day increased to 12 hours and workers slept in factories. Factories placed under martial law and discipline was tightened and unauthorised absence was punishable by death