Cards (12)

  • There were mass food shortages. Over a quarter of the 25 million deaths caused from starvation. Rationing was comphrensive but allowances were often pathetically low and only given to those in work
  • Living standards worsened as health problems escalated. Many were refugees and were fighting more survival. Factory building was prioritised above accommodation
  • In 1943, the Internationale (socialist anthem) replaced by a new nationalistic song. Artists gained more freedom. Musicians gave concerts eg Maria Yudina was flown into Leningrad.
  • There was reduced persecution of religion and bishops were released from camps although they had to swear an oath to the Soviet state.
  • Stalin wanted to use the Church to lift morale and services became patriotic gatherings. Priests blessed troops but the Church was not allowed real autonomy and it was turned into a branch of the government.
  • There was a reaffirmation of the importance of family. In July 1944, tax rates were increased for those with fewer than two children and mothers of more than two were made ‘heroines of the Soviet Union’.
  • Restrictions on divorce tightened and abortion became forbidden.
  • Women became an essential part of the workforce and they were expected to raise large families.
  • Women were recruited into local defence units and as fire warden. sOver half a million women were pilots, snipers and even tank commanders.
  • Lyudmila Pavlichenko was recorded as killing 309 Germans
  • Partisans were vital for winning the war yet they received little reward
  • By 1943, there were an estimated 300,000 partisans and probably more than a million by 1945AND Zoya Kosmodmyanskaya was made a ‘Hero of the Soviet Union’ after her refusal to betray her comrades when caught by Germans. Pictures of her execution became powerful propaganda tools.