Evidence of Popular Revolution

Cards (7)

  • Lenin's April Thesis reflected the concerns of the population e.g calls to confiscate private estates, nationalise banks, abolish police, end to the war
  • Bolsh support increased noticeably during the period of Feb-Oct
    • membership was under 25,000 in Feb
    • increased to 250,000 in Oct
  • The Bolshs only got 24% of vote in Constituent Assembly, mostly coming from the workers who they represented BUT SRs gained a majority, representing the peasants, who they were in a coalition with them in a short period after Oct Rev
  • Bolshs were successful in gaining support in industrial cities of workers
    • By May 1917, Bolshs had had dominant positions in workers committees in factories
  • Trotsky won over support from the Petrograd Garrison, support of soldiers
  • Lenin was able to convince armed insurrection because the people had demanded for an armed uprising in July Days
  • The Bolshs did seem like a popular option, only party not tainted by Kornilov Revolt and supported:
    • End to War
    • Soviet power
    • 'Peace bread land'