Lenin's April Thesis reflected the concerns of the population e.g calls to confiscate private estates, nationalise banks, abolish police, end to the war
Bolsh support increased noticeably during the period of Feb-Oct
membership was under 25,000 in Feb
increased to 250,000 in Oct
The Bolshs only got 24% of vote in Constituent Assembly, mostly coming from the workers who they represented BUT SRs gained a majority, representing the peasants, who they were in a coalition with them in a short period after Oct Rev
Bolshs were successful in gaining support in industrial cities of workers
By May 1917, Bolshs had had dominant positions in workers committees in factories
Trotsky won over support from the Petrograd Garrison, support of soldiers
Lenin was able to convince armed insurrection because the people had demanded for an armed uprising in July Days
The Bolshs did seem like a popular option, only party not tainted by Kornilov Revolt and supported: