Major 1990 - 1992

Cards (14)

  • thatchers supporters backed him so he wins over Heseltine as MPs voted on leader
  • behind new conservatism
  • Gulf war
    • effectively cooperated with America and ended illegal occupation of Kuwait
    • Majors decision to inform labour leader Kinnock and liberal paddy ashdown gained respect
  • origins of universe backed by British money
    • simulate moments after big bang
    • carried in Europes nuclear research centre
  • Tim Berners Lee creates World Wide Web
  • quietly withdrew the poll tax in 1991
    • replaced with council tax on property value
  • Maastricht treaty
    • major negotiates opt out from euro
    • Cherrypicked EEC - big win
    • Emerges as brilliant statesman
    • Common European foriegn policy
    • Common European defence policy
  • citizens charter
    • watered down Thatcherism
    • attempt to measure accountability of public services
    • carried on with Thatcherism - privatisation and council houses remain as people disliked thatcher and not ideology
  • Why does major win the election - soapbox
    • meet john major seated on barstool
    • Verbally battled crowds on megaphone
    • Reinforce image of honest john - interest level of media rises
    • Seen as relatable
  • why does major win election - labour tax
    • cant shake image of Callaghan and Wilson high taxes and impacts of 3 billion cuts
    • cons claimed labours plan = tax increases of over a grand per voter
  • Why did major win election- Jennifers ear - labour failures
    • media questioned advert and account of story told
    • Damaged labour ironically
    • Later found conservative grandad informed party of labours plans
  • Why did major win election- Sheffield rally
    • labour used American like rally fuelled by red wednesday which showed labour lead - did nto sway floating voters
    • Sounded like preacher instead of Statesman like prime minister compared to major
  • why did major win - its the sun wot won it
    • the sun was hostile anti Kinnock - last person in Britain please turn out the lights
    • read by 22% of population
  • Why did major win - labour too left leaning
    • socialism
    • Nationalisation
    • Tax the rich
    • Unilateral disarmerment