i/e/u -> a -> a pattern

Cards (3)

  • verbs that follow this pattern:
    • bringen (to bringen) pp=+haben
    • denken (to think) pp=+ haben
    • brennen (to burn) pp=+ haben
    • kennen (to know[a person, thing etc]) pp=+haben
    • nennen (to name) pp=+haben
    • rennen (to run) pp=+sein
    • senden (to send) pp=+ haben
    • stehen (to stand) pp=+haben
    • tun (to do) pp=+ haben
  • [as an example]
    • infinitive = BRINGEN
    • 3rd pers. present = BRINGT
    • 3rd person simple past = BRACHTE
    • past participle = GEBRACHT
  • the rule here is:
    • the 'i', 'e', or 'u' (from the 3rd pers. present) changes to an 'a' in the 3rd person simple past
    • the 'a' STAYS AS AN 'A' in the past participle