Economic developments

Cards (4)

    • caused exports to become overpriced as pegged to value of DM
    • International bankers speculated against pound overpriced and it fell sharply
    • Raised interest leveils to 15%
    • Withdrew from ERM
  • Unemployment u[ until 1992 hit 2.6 million - 1 million increase
    many trapped in negative equity
    • affected Tory voters unliked 80’s recession hit working class northerners
    • forced high public spending
  • Impacts of black Wednesday
    • economic consequences short lived
    • political marred conservatives
    • Destroys trust in conservatives economic policy
    • Eurosceptic arguments strenghthen which divide party - Portillo vs pro Europe Heseltine
  • By 1997
    • unemployment down
    • Car ownership up
    • Negative equity became thing of past