JOURNALISM (2nd quart)

Subdecks (1)

Cards (30)

  • Straight news - mechanical and formulaic
  • Feature news - formulaic, requires good
  • Column writing - free, requires good thinking
  • Editorial (news column) - It comments or interprets timely subjects
  • Variety or Humor Column- An entertainment feature made of short items
  • Personals or Chatter Column - It is a column about well-known persons.
  • Hodge-podge Column- This is a column of various topics that are separated by moustache like asterisks.
  • Opinion Column- Concerns about the readers’ views and may take form of the poll or “inquiring reporter” and the letter to the editor
  • Exchange column - A collection of items culled by the exchange editors from papers of other schools.
  • Book Column- Consists of several short reviews which help the reader find titles for book reports
  • Write with conviction - Put forward your opinion as something you truly believe in.
  • Maintain your focus - Make your column about one thing and one thing alone.
  • Understand opposing viewpoints - Be mindful of the opposing argument.
  • Refer to facts - Accompany your argument with facts that support your position.
  • Use analogies
    Analogies are useful for illustrating a point, especially when the topic you are writing about is somewhat complicated or technical.
  • Be critical - People like columnists who dare to criticize real life people- not just nameless concepts and policies.
  • Do reporting - The best columns involve some form of reporting.
  • Localize and Personalize - Localize your story
  • Be passionate- Use active voice in writing not passive voice.
  • Provide a solution- Do not just raise an issue.
  • When writing a column, do:
    1. give the reader timely, helpful information;
    2. develop a structure and keep it.
    3. write simple and short sentences and paragraphs;
    4. in personal columns, use local names and places;
    5. let others speak for you by use of quotes and references;
    6. learn the difference between a column and a news story.
  • When writing a column, do NOT
    1. Use technical or complex words;
    2. Talk in jargon or unfamiliar terms;
    3. Include too much detail or material.
    4. Refer to yourself as a third person
    or quote yourself