Thatcher legacy

Cards (4)

  • Thatcherism
    • abandonment of KeynesianIsm For free market over consensus
    • Limiting union power
    • No such thing as society
  • thatchers failures
    • Britains spending rose in tax bill though she intended to reduce them - VAT
    • government spending increased and 1992 borrowed 30 billion to finance public services - her policies led to unemployment and therefore borrow to subsidise welfare benefits
    • wanted to reduce goerventmn but more civil servants under her
    • appeared anti European but signed Single European Act and EMR
  • Feminist criticism
    • A woman not a sister
    • Didnt promote women in politics with only one cabinet woman
    • suggested so she could exploit femininity in male cabinet
    • no structural changes to develop women in society
  • social attitudes
    • Victorian liberalism rather than conservative
    • rights of individual and family over abstract greater good