Cards (3)

  • Weakness- Contradictory Evidence for food’s relevance to attachment: (HARLOW)
    • Took baby monkeys away from their mother & placed with 2 surrogate mothers WIRE mother (had milk) and CLOTH mother (had no milk)
    • Monkeys sought comfort from CLOTH mother immediately, preferred CLOTH mother (contact-comfort
    • Attachment based on comfort, rather than food 
    • However findings of animals cannot be generalised to humans, decreasing the validity of the learning theory
  • Strength- Usefulness to reduce parental anxiety:
    • E.g. for parents that are struggling to form an attachment with their baby 
    • Can build connection based on food
    • Increases the validity- practical application
  • Weakness- Opposing Theory for both classical and operant conditioning in learning theory:
    • Bowlby REJECTED learning theory, argued that attachment is innate
    • Children born with an innate tendency to form attachments- increases chances of survival 
    • Decreases validity- doesn’t explain all aspects that affect behaviour