3.2 Input devices

Cards (13)

  • a QR code scanner converts the squares into binary data
  • optical mice use a laser to detect movement using a micro processor
  • LCD (Liquid crystal display) is made up of millions of liquid crystals
  • The LCD displays pixels arranged in a matrix
  • advantage for LCD - low power consumption
  • (LCD)advantage - they provide bright images and colours
  • LED ( Light emitting diode) are tiny lights that make up large LED displays
  • (LED) advantage - don't require backlighting which makes them thinner and lighter
  • OLED (Organic light emitting diode) - use organic molecules to allow for more accurate colour definition
  • Speakers - data is changed into electric current using a digital to analogue converter (DAC)
  • DAC (digital analogue converter) - converts data into electrical current to create sound
  • Infa-red sensors detect motion or a heat source e.g. a burglar
  • ADC - analogue to digital, an electronic process that converts analogue data to digital for a computer to understand it.