Removing unnecessary detail and keeping only what's necessary to solve a problem. An example is storing a chess board as a 2D array of characters. This is a CT skill
Breaking a problem down in smaller steps in order to solve it. E.g. a chess game needs to display the board, input a move, update the board, think of its own move. A CT skill
Algorithmic thinking
Defining the steps needed to solve a problem using sequence, selection and iteration. For example in chess we list all possible moves, then evaluate each move, select the best move, repeat. A CT skill
Computational thinking
A problem solving process using abstraction, decomposition and algorithmic thinking. Results in an algorithm we can code for a computer. Known as CT
Problem solving
Any process used to find a solution to a problem. Can include CT as one of the methods
The details you keep and use in your solution in abstraction
When using algorithmic thinking, we need to work out the order of steps, then we put them together in this construct
In algorithmic thinking, we work out where the decisions need to be made. The we put this construct into our algorithm
In algorithmic thinking we work out what processes need to be repeated, so we use this construct
A small part of a larger problem. We break a problem into these during decomposition
A step-by-step procedure for solving a problem, especially by a computer. The result of successful Computational Thinking