A searching algorithm that divides the search space in half each time until it finds the target, faster than linear but requires the array to be sorted
Linear Search
A searching algorithm which looks at every element in turn until it finds the target, it is slow but works even on unsorted data
The processing time required to run an algorithm, can be poor for some simple algorithms like linear search or bubble sort
Merge Sort
A very efficient sorting algorithm that repeatedly breaks down a list into smaller lists, then repeatedly merges them back together in order
Bubble Sort
A sorting algorithm that passes over the list many times, swapping adjacent items if they are in the wrong order. Not very efficient.
Sorting algorithm
Any algorithm that puts data in order, examples are bubble, insertion and merge
Searching algorithm
Any algorithm that finds data within a data structure, examples are linear (also called serial) and binary.
Before using binary search, the data must be sorted into order.
Linear search will work on sorted or unsorted data
Bubble sort, insertion sort and linear search are all very slow, inefficient algoritms
Binary search and merge sort are very fast algorithms because they complete the task with many fewer comparisons