A related set of data items stored under a single identifier. Examples are records and arrays.
A data structure that stores many data items of the same data type, can be one-dimensional, two-dimensional or more. (In Python we use a list for this)
The name we give a variable or data structure in an algorithm. In temp ← 25 the identifier is temp
The data item that is stored under an identifier. In temp ← 25 the value is 25.
An array that represents a single list of values, e.g. [25,27,19,20,22]
An array that represents a grid of values, such as codes for the pieces on a chessboard, or the intensity of pixels on a computer screen
The pseudo-code to return the contents of row 0 column 0 of a 2D array called gameboard
A collection of related data items called fields, often stored as a row in a database, it represents something in the real world like a person or product
A data item in a record, often shown as a column in a database. For example "Name" or "Age". It has a single data type
A collection of records that share the same fields. Usually a complete set of related information about multiple items, such as "students" or "products"
An organised collection of data made up of tables of records which can be easily updated or queried. Often we use SQL to do this.
A command that searches a database and returns the data we are looking for. Often written in SQL
Popular language for accessing databases, short for Structured Query Language
An abstraction of this would be best stored in a two-dimensional array
Shopping list
This can be stored in a one-dimensional array because it is a single list of strings
All the data about this subject could be stored in a record data structure