memory (paper 1)

Cards (24)

  • encoding
    changing info so it can be held in the brain
  • storage
    holding info in your memory so it can be retrieved later
  • retrieval
    locating and bringing info into your mind
  • recognition
    type of recall where you identify from options (e.g. multiple choice)
  • cued recall
    type of recall where you locate info using a clue
  • free recall
    type of recall with no clues
  • sensory memory
    memory store that has a very short duration (less than half a second) but a large capacity
  • STM
    memory store with limited duration (30secs) and capacity (5~9 items), and coding is acoustic
  • LTM
    memory store with unlimited capacity and duration, coding is semantic
  • episodic memory 

    type of long term memory for personal events
  • procedural memory 

    type of long term memory for how to do things (e.g. driving a car)
  • semantic memory
    a store for our knowledge of the world (e.g. what words mean)
  • capacity
    the amount of info that can be held in a memory store
  • duration
    the length of time info can be held in a memory store
  • primacy effect
    higher recall for first few words (LTM)
  • recency effect
    highest recall for last few words (STM)
  • serial position effect
    the tendency for people to recall the first and last words in a word list
  • reconstructive memory
    fragments of info stored and reassembled during recall - gaps are filled in with our social + cultural expectations
  • interference
    forgetting may occur if 2 similar memories compete with each other
  • context
    the situation in which something happens (this can act as a cue to increase recall)
  • false memory
    a memory for something that didn't actually happen but feels like it did
  • what are the 3 factors that effect the accuracy of memory?
    1. interference
    2. context
    3. false memories
  • proactive interference
    old info effects recall of new info
  • retroactive interference
    new info effects recall of old info