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  • Pancreas - located in the abdomen, close to the stomach; has both endocrine and exocrine function
  • Pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans) produce:
    • Insulin - produced by beta cells; released when blood glucose levels are high
    • Glucagon -produced by alpha cells; released when blood glucose levels are low
  • Gonads - produce sex cells and hormones
  • Ovaries - female gonads; produce steroid hormones: estrogens & progesterone
  • Testes - produce sperm and androgens, such as testosterone
  • Estrogens - stimulates development of secondary female characteristics and female reproductive organs
  • Progesterone - acts with estrogen to bring about the menstrual cycle, helps in the implantation of an embryo and prepares breasts for lactation
  • Testosterone - responsible for adult male secondary sex characteristics and maturation of male reproductive system