Social Study

Cards (80)

  • What is pemmican?
    dried pounded meat with berries
  • Metis means mixed. What two groups of people intermarried to make the Metis?

    The French and the First nations married
  • The Treaty of Utrecht ended the war of the Spanish Succession where France lost its territory of Acadia to the British
  • The Treaty of Paris ended the Seven Years War where France lost its territory of New France to Britain. How did this make the Francophone Canadiens feel? They felt betrayed and left behind.
  • The Great Deportation - During the Seven Years War (1756-1763), Britain encouraged British and German immigrants into its colonies because of the questionable loyalties of the Acadians.Ended in the deportation of Acadians where many Acadians lost their lives
  • Monopoly means the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service
  • Monopoly means
    1. exclusive possession or control over something
    2. a board game in which you compete with other players
    3. having an overwhelmingly large amount of something
  • Middlemen means
    1. person who buys goods from producers and sells them to retailers or consumer
    2. merchants that worked by themselves rather than for a large company
    3. a person who arranges business or political deals between other people
    4. both 1 and 3 are correct
    5. none of the above
  • Independents are merchants who work for themselves rather than a big company, i.e the Hudson’s Bay
  • Overhunting means to hunt (an area) excessively to the point that the kinds of animals hunted become scarce
  • What does displacement mean?

    a person who is forced to leave their home country 
  • Depletion is reduction in the number or quantity of something
  • The Hudson Bay Company is a chartered company that was established in 1670. It traded with the First Nations.
  • The North West Company was a fur trading business headquartered in Montreal from 1779 to 1821. It was a fierce competitor with the Hudson’s Bay Company.
  • The Hudsons’s Bay Company and the North West Company were bitter rivals with each other. What did this rivalry result in?
    Kidnappings, killings, spying.
  • Why were the Hudson’s Bay Company and the North West Company such fierce rivals?

    Due to the demand for luxurious fur coats and money. Each company wanted to make more money.
  • What is nationhood?

    the fact or status of being a nation; national identity or independence.
  • Language is a method of communication between other people. It is essential to every day life.
  • What is the customs, arts, social institutions, and achievements of a particular nation, people, or other social group called?
  • Which one is the best example of culture?
    1. food
    2. fashion
    3. music
    4. beliefs
    5. all of the above
  • Identity is the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
  • Monopoly is the complete control of a resource by a single company
  • colony is a region claimed and governed by a country from another part of the world
  • mercantilisim is a regulated economic system that made a country rich from its colonies
  • a charter is a set of rules and privileges granted to a company by a king or Queen
  • primary resource is an original piece of information, such as a document or image
  • a voyageur is a traveller
  • the fur trade encouraged the growth of which colony?
    New France
  • New France formed alliances and inhabited the land that belonged to the Mi'kmaq
  • like the haudenosaunee, the thirteen colonies were agricultural colonies
  • imperialism is a/an economic system
  • a consensus is an agreement by everyone
  • the Great Law of Peace is the constitution of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy
  • an agreement among a group of nations to act together to support each other's interests?
  • a governor is who represented the king, controls the military, and looks after the defence of the colony. He also dealt with "external relations," such as trade with First Nations
  • the chief administrator of the colony. He worked to keep the colony in good order, and to make it less dependent on France for meeting its basic needs. He also kept his eye out for new ways to exploit the colony for the benefit of France?
  • a bishop is who represented the Catholic Church.The Catholic Church played an important role in the colony,as it did in New France. It provided spiritual and moralguidance, and founded schools, hospitals and orphanages
  • habitants are farmers who lived on seigneuries.
  • seigneurs are landlords who received the land as grants from the king of France
  • courer de bois means "runner of the woods." The term comes from theway some men in New France engaged in the fur trade -by "running into the forest" to seek and trade with First Nations.