"Unlawfulkilling of a reasonablecreatureinbeing and under the Queen's Peace"
Gibbons and Proctor (1918)
D and his partner neglected his child - failure to act can lead to liability for murder
Factual Cause
Legal Cause
More than a minimal cause
AGRef (No.3 of 1994) (1997)
Violence to a foetus that leads to harm when born could lead to liability
Beckford (1988)
The D made a genuine mistake about the facts of the situation - not guilty
Mens Rea for Murder
Express and Implied MaliceAforethought
Express Malice Aforethought
Direct or oblique intention to kill
Implied Malice Aforethought
Direct or oblique intention to cause GBH
The intent to cause GBH was sufficient mens rea for murder
DPP v Smith
GBH means really serious harm
Although he intended one result (to stop the baby crying) the actual result (the baby dying) was a virtual certain result and the D was found guilty of murder