Theprocessbywhichacountrysustainsprogressovera long termeconomically, socially, politicallyandsustainably.
Human Development Index
Composite development indicator - based on life expectancy, the average number of years a person stays and is expected to stay in school and GNI per capita.
Human Development
A development approach that focuses on the creation and improvement of living conditions where people can develop their full potential. People are central to their own development and are included in decision making.
Human Capital
A development approach that views people as economic capital, so the greater investment in them the greater economic output.
Life Expectancy
Average age a person born today is expected to reach.
Birth rate
Births per 1000 people per year.
Death rate
Deaths per 1000 people per year
Adult literacy
percentage of adult population that can read and write
Infant mortality
Number of children that die before their first birthday per 1000 births
Gross National Income
Total income the country receives from its residents and businesses both at home and abroad. Sometimes used instead of GDP as it counts remittances and international aid.
Gross Domestic Product
Total market value of all finished goods and services produced within a country per year
GDP per capita
Wealth of a country divided by population number
High Income Country
Countries with a GNI per capita above12746USD
Middle Income Country/ Newly Emerging Economy
Countries with a GNI per capita of more than 1045 but lessthan12746USD
Low Income Country
Countries with a GNI per capita of lessthan1045USD
The giving of resources by a (donor) country or organization to another (poorer) recipient country with the main aim of improving the economy or living standards in the recipient country.
Corruption Perception Index
Level of corruption within a country's public sector
Financial services (e.g. loans) to small businesses and individuals who lack access to traditional banking services.
Sum of money that is owed or due
World Bank
International financial institution that provides loans to developing countries.
Sustainable development
Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Gender Equality
Equal rights and responsibilities of women and men, as well as the equal opportunities available to them.
Technological Leapfrogging
When society moves straight to adopting a new, advanced form of technology without having invested in an earlier version.
Appropriate Technology
Technology that is suited to the needs, skills, resources, wealth and knowledge of the people who live in a local area for the environment in which they live.